User focused dataSprint 1β successCompiled Learning ObjectivesVersion control softwareDefine a repositoryDefine a commitExplain the purpose of version control softwareSharing historyIdentify the number of commits on the main branch of a remote repositoryIdentify the author, time and message of a given commit on GitHubInspecting a commitGiven a remote repository on GitHub, identify the files and folders from any commit in a version timelineInspecting previous versionsUse a Git history to view previous versions of a projectFind the commit that corresponds to a particular version of a projectForking a repositoryCreate a fork of a repositoryWorking locallyClone a remote repository from GitHub into a local folderDefine the terms ‘remote’ and ’local’ in the context of GitHubViewing files from a git cloneOpen a cloned repository in VSCodeExplore the repository in VSCodeOpen the Integrated Terminal in VSCodeBranchingExplain why a git repository may have multiple branchesDescribe what’s special about the branch named mainCreate a new local branch in a git repositoryWrapping up GitCommit changes to a local git branch